Wearing my Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit yet again! This time, with no wetsuit under it! I am still well pleased with it, just wish it was a bit tighter!
Vlog: Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit
Got my Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit! What do you all think of it? Yes I am wearing a wetsuit under it! Bit on the cold side today!
Vlog: Yep, I really did wear a wetsuit to work!
Yep, I really did wear a wetsuit to work for our Hawaiian themed fancy dress for Children in Need. But of course not this wetsuit, I would have got way, way to HOT!
Vlog: Wetsuit for Hawaiian themed night at work?
Since we’re doing a Hawaiian themed fancy dress for Children in Need this year on Friday 17 November, at work. The question is, should I wear a wetsuit??
Vlog: Locking myself into the Crysis Morphsuit
Locking myself into the Crysis Morphsuit, also all helpless in the handcuffs and leg shackles. The full and much more “fun” version of this video can be found in the Exclusive area.
Vlog: Zone3 Evolution Swim Run wetsuit + cuffs!
Wearing my Zone3 Evolution Swim Run wetsuit for the first time since September 2016!! Also back in the handcuffs and leg shackles!