Tag: wetsuit

On This Day : 13/10/2016

On This Day back in 2016. I went for a nice walk wearing my O’Neill Hooded Psychotech FZ 6/4 FSW wetsuit, like you do! And to make it, even more fun, I also had the S10 gas with me!

You can check out the route at www.strava.com/activities/743398245

The full set of these photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/13-10-2016/

First wetsuit photos of 2024!

Here are the first wetsuit photos of 2024! Long, long overdue to get myself back in the mood for doing new photos! So here are some new ones of myself wearing the HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit.

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

The full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/21-04-2024/

Wetsuited working at seaside cafe!

When these young college lads started working at a local seaside cafe, they had no idea that they would have to wear wetsuits! It was wear a wetsuit, or look for another job! They also had to wear a stock collar (locked on, of course!), Which activates when customers push a button on their tables, when they wanted to be served! It would give them a small shock tell them which table needed service!