Tag: wetsuit cycling

More wetsuit cycling photos : 05/12/2013

Here are various photos of myself taken over the last number of months, while out cycling in wetsuits :).

Padlocked in wetsuit

Padlocked in wetsuit

blueseventy axium (21st October 2013)

blueseventy axium (28th October 2013)

blueseventy axium (3rd November 2013)

blueseventy axium (11th November 2013)

The full set of these photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/wetsuit_cycling/

Padlocked in my O’Neill Gooru wetsuit

Today before setting off on a 30 mile cycle. I padlocked myself in the O’Neill Gooru F.U.Z.E GBS 2mm long Sleeve Spring Suit wetsuit. I of course left the key at home! So had not way of getting of the wetsuit!!

Padlocked in wetsuit

Padlocked in wetsuit

Wetsuit cycle : 19-Apr-2013

Since it was a bit on the cold side yet again. I was summer was here at long last, but good old British weather has other ideas! But at least, it give me a reason to get the wetsuit on and take the following photos…

blueseventy axium (19th April 2013)blueseventy axium (19th April 2013)

blueseventy axium (19th April 2013)blueseventy axium (19th April 2013)

Many more photos like this can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/wetsuit_cycling/.

First wetsuit cycle of the month

Here is a new set of photos taken while out cycling in my blueseventy axium wetsuit. Hope you like them!! Looking forward to reading your comments about them :).

More photos from this set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/wetsuit_cycling/