Just done my first ever wetsuit cycle in Scotland 🙂
More wetsuit cycling photos…
Just posted many more photos of myself, while out cycling wearing wetsuits…
Many more wetsuit cycling photos can be found @ photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/wetsuit_cycling/.
Vlog: blueseventy axium wetsuit cycle!
Having great fun cycling wearing my blueseventy axium wetsuit! First cycle, I’ve done so far this year wearing it!
Vlog: How I keep, mini me warm!
Showing just how many layers, I wear over the top of my wetsuit to keep nice and warm, cycling during a UK winter.
Vlog: First wetsuited vlog of 2016
I’ve been out cycling a lot this year wearing a wetsuit! But this is the first vlog of 2016, wearing the Zone3 Evolution Swim-Run wetsuit!
Vlog: What do I wear over a wetsuit, while cycling?
What if anything, do I wear over a wetsuit while out cycling in one?