Yep, yet another cycle wearing the 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit!
2XU A:1 Active wetsuit in public places!
Got to sat that wearing my 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit in public places (next to road signs), is so much fun!!
The full set of these photos can be seen at
First O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit photos of winter 2017/18
Since winter has started here in the UK! It’s about time, I put my O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit on and took some fun photos… The handcuffs and leg shackles are also back out to play!
The full set of these photos can be seen @
Vlog: Yet another wetsuit cycle!
Just wearing another wetsuit while cycling, since I can! Just hope the dry, warmer weather comes back soon…
Vlog: I got wet, very wet! Glad I was wetsuited!
That was a very, very wet cycle! So glad, I was wearing a wetsuit! Maybe the longest wetsuit cycle of 2017, so far!
Vlog: I love Valentine’s Day!! NOT!
I love Valentine’s Day! It’s my favourite day of the year! NOT!