Tag: wetsuit cycle

Another wetsuit cycle :)

If you follow us on Twitter. I am sure, you will know. I went out a cycle today in my wetsuit. Which is nothing new at all!

But doing it normally makes for some great photos for this website. Due to it pissing it down, not long after this photo was taken. It was the only good shot I got :(.

So to make up for it, once I was back home. I took the cycling top off. Then added my motorcycle helmet and the RST Delta Gloves.

Orca speedsuit + HJC ZF-10 karlie helmet

Hope you like these new photos.  More photos from the set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/04-12-2011/

It’s been great weather for… cycling in a wetsuit

It was a wee bit on the wet side the other day, so I made the most of it. By putting on my Orca speedsuit and going out a cycle.

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/2011/08/26/its-been-great-weather-for-cycling-in-a-wetsuit/.

Thunder and Lightning = wetsuit cycling

It was Thunder and Lightning on and off most of the day. Which to most people would mean a day indoors. But to me, that means putting a wetsuit on and getting out on the bike and getting extra wet :).

Here some photos from the cycle. I did hope to get more. But I did not want the camera getting any more wet than it already had.

Wetsuit cyclingWetsuit cyclingWetsuit cyclingWetsuit cycling

I also filmed a vlog, which I will try to get on-line in the next number of days.