Tag: The Wetsuit Model

Story : The Improvement Plan – Part 1


“Oh fuck it, why not” Eric tells himself with excitement as he pulls on Cody’s sweaty blue socks and pulls on his cum encrusted compression shorts before quickly jumping into the suit as his dick gets harder and harder. He puts his arms into the suit and pulls the front up over his shoulders. He stands there looking at himself in the mirror and smiling and he runs his hands up and down his body covered in the suit. He smiles and slowly begins pulling the front zipper up, closing the suit over his chest. After pulling the zipper to about the ¾ mark, he feels some slight resistance but ignores it and pulls right over it. Within just a second or two, he feels the familiar click of all 5 zippers.

Part 1 is now on-line!

Story : The Improvement Plan – Coming soon

A new story coming soon to Wetsuitlads. By NeelsB, the same person that wrote The Wetsuit Model story, along with the HOT AI Art Work.


Here is a very small part from the story…

“Oh fuck it, why not” Eric tells himself with excitement as he pulls on Cody’s sweaty blue socks and pulls on his cum encrusted compression shorts before quickly jumping into the suit as his dick gets harder and harder. He puts his arms into the suit and pulls the front up over his shoulders. He stands there looking at himself in the mirror and smiling and he runs his hands up and down his body covered in the suit. He smiles and slowly begins pulling the front zipper up, closing the suit over his chest. After pulling the zipper to about the ¾ mark, he feels some slight resistance but ignores it and pulls right over it. Within just a second or two, he feels the familiar click of all 5 zippers.

Story : The Wetsuit Model – Part 3

Inspired by and set in the universe of WETSUIT SENTENCE by sj_one

Andrew reaches into the drawer and pulls out what looks to be some sort of electronic gag. He signals to Aidan and Alex to come over and force Tim’s mouth open as he thrashes and resists. Andrew quickly shoves the gag into his mouth and buckles it around his face. Now unable to move or speak, Tim just sits strapped into the chair and barely mumbles through the gag.

Part 3 is now on-line!

Story : The Wetsuit Model – Part 2

Inspired by and set in the universe of WETSUIT SENTENCE by sj_one

Aidan sits in the back of the cruiser, his hands uncomfortably handcuffed behind his back and fully clad and locked in his PHI wetsuit. He can feel his sweat and the lube that got him into the suit coating his whole body and running down into his boots. He’s worried about the situation he is in, but also can’t help but feel turned on by the suit. He feels every bump in the road as the cruiser drives through the city and can hear the police chatter and codes over the radio. Finally, he hears the bobby radio in “10-95, I have a PHI awol-no information on the collar, looks like the subject wiped it. Return to the precinct to process?” After a brief pause, he hears an officer on the other end “10-74, negative on that. Return him to PHI processing, let them handle the paperwork” and he ends the communication with a simple “10-4.”

Part 2 is now on-line!