Tag: Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

Happy National Spandex Day 2024!!

Happy National Spandex Day 2024!! Yep, I even put some Lycra on, for this very special day and took some new photos!

Synergy Navy Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Navy Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

The full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/19-04-2024/

First cycles wearing the Synergy Neon Lime Skinsuit

Here are some photos from the first number of cycles wearing the Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit! OMG! Love how good it feels and FACT it shows everything off!

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

More photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/29-06-2023/

Lycra skinsuit walks!

OMG! Going for walks wearing, just a Lycra skinsuit is my new favourite thing to do!

BTW… All these photos, plus many more got posted to www.gordon-valentine.com FIRST!

Synergy Navy Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Navy Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

Many more photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/20-06-2023/

First photos wearing the Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

I got the Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit, back in December 2022! So long overdue to wear it and take some photos wearing it…

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

More can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/05-05-2023/

Ordered a Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit

That’s me just gone and ordered a Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit! So looking forward to getting it, in next day or so…. Then of course, I will do many photos wearing it!!

This was paid for, by the people that support us via OnlyFans.com/wetsuitlads

Synergy Neon Lime Cycling Skinsuit