That’s the second part of Matt’s wetsuit shoot! Story now on-line!
New story posted : Matt’s wetsuit shoot!
Posted a new story called Matt’s wetsuit shoot! It’s all about Nick! I am sure you will all love it!!
New story posted : Evening Surf? – Part 4
Just posted the latest part of the “Evening Surf?” story. Part 4 can be read by clicking here.
Please let Rob know any of your ideas for the story at
Stories section been revamped
That’s the stories section just been revamped. The main thing you will notice is all the stories have been removed from the drop-down menu at the top of each page. Mainly because the main was getting to big. No need to worry none of them have been removed and you can still read them, by clicking on “Stories” on the menu.
All the stories are back…
That’s all of the wetsuit stories back on-line, sorry it took me so long to get around to it. They can all be found at
Also got around to making a new title image, which can be found on the top of each page.
Next job is to get all of my own photos back on-line. I will try to get done later today.
New story posted (A New Life)
Posted a new story called A New Life.