Below are my favourite photos from each month between January and June 2020!
January : Gear walk at Ben Lomond
February : Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit
April : Did not take a single photo for Wetsuitlads
WOW! That’s me just turned 41! My plan, had be to do a cycle of 82 miles on my birthday! But since it’s was only around 14C to 16C, don’t really have the best weather extra long cycle. Still very pleased with 50.63 miles.
Matt is back next week! If you have any ideas, get posting them now!
Check out, all his photos over at
Think the Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018 looks good, already? It’s ever better when, nice and wet!!
More photos can be found at
That’s me back outside wearing the Regulation Rubber Bike Mask! Now that face coverings are to become compulsory in England’s shops from 24 July. I could well, end up wearing this much more often!!
More photos can be found at
First some bad news… Getting made redundant, after working at same place for 16 years! In better news, really getting them cycling and walking miles in! Also speak about walk 1000 miles.