Tag: skinsuit

Happy #NationalHandcuffDay – 2021

Happy National Handcuff Day – 2021! Hope you all had a great time, and spent at least some of the day in handcuffs!

Why not, post your photos on Twitter and use #NationalHandcuffDay

Captain America Morphsuit and Clejuso handcuffs

The full set of these can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/20-02-2021/

It’s #NationalHandcuffDay Eve

Just to remind everyone, that tomorrow is National Handcuff Day! So look out your handcuffs and have some fun!!

Why not post photos on Twitter and use #NationalHandcuffDay! 🙂

Clejuso handcuffs No. 15

Two Bare Feet T3 Shorty Triathlon wetsuit

Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit

Most popular photos : mid-January 2021

Below are the top five most looked at photos on Wetsuitlads so far during January 2021.

Number 1 (94 views) : Gordon : adidas full body suit
Gordon : adidas full body suit

Number 2 (71 views) : Gordon : UCI World Cup Team skinsuit
Gordon : UCI World Cup Team skinsuit

Number 3 (67 views) : Jay : Rubber Skinhead Gear
Jay : Rubber Skinhead Gear

Number 4 (63 views) : Gordon extra happy in the Adidas full body suit
Gordon extra happy in the Adidas full body suit

Number 5 (54 views) : Alex : Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit
Alex : Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit

Happy International Fetish Day 2021! #InternationalFetishDay

Happy International Fetish Day! Which is held on the the third Friday of the year.

So what’s your favourite fetish?

 Deluxe Male Stainless Steel Chastity Belt



Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018


Most popular photos : mid-December 2020

Below are the top five most looked at photos on Wetsuitlads so far during December 2020.

Number 1 (177 views) : Gordon : adidas full body suit
adidas full body suit

Number 2 (130 views) : Gordon : Chastity Belt under Adidas full body suit
Chastity Belt under Adidas full body suit

Number 3 (94 views) : Gordon : UCI World Cup Team skinsuit
UCI World Cup Team skinsuit

Number 4 (70 views) : Gordon : White Morphsuit
White Morphsuit

Number 5 (63 views) : Alex : 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit
2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

My favourite photos : Jul – Dec 2020

Below are my favourite photos from each month between July and December 2020!

July : Castelli Body Paint 3.3 Speed Suit
Castelli Body Paint 3.3 Speed Suit

August : Matt all helpless in the straitjacket
Matt all helpless in the straitjacket

September : Rubber Skinhead Gear 
Rubber Skinhead Gear

October : Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit 
Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit

November  : Gordon the pup
Gordon the pup