Since I am sure that many of you, just like myself, can’t stand football! Here are some new photos of myself wearing the 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit.
The full set of these photos can be found @
Since I am sure that many of you, just like myself, can’t stand football! Here are some new photos of myself wearing the 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit.
The full set of these photos can be found @
If you want to see full set of Nick in rubber, S10 gas mask and posture bar, you need to sign up to our exclusive area.
Oh and for once he’s not hard, since he was locked up in BON4 Silicone Male Chastity Device!
You need to give £9 to see the full set or £20, if you also want to see him locked in the chastity device!
Want to see a video, of one, of our models all helpless in a straitjacket, chastity belt and S10 gas mask? Then make a donation of at least £20!!
Yep Nick is back again at the end of the month!!! Who knows, what fun we will get up to this time!!!!
Since Nick, be will back at least twice this year… It’s time that, I released more photos of him, which till now, could only be found in the Wetsuitlads exclusive area!
The full set of these photos can be seen at
If you want to see more photos like this, then all you have to do is make an donation of at least £9.