Tag: S10 gas mask

Up coming models…

The next number of weeks here at Wetsuitlads is going to be extra busy!

We have CutePlayToy here on Thursday 30th May.

Cuteplaytoy wetsuited

Followed by Matt. Who’s here from Monday 3rd June to Wednesday 5th June.

Matt In Lycra

Then of course Nick is here, not long after that!

Nick in rubber

So do get posting your photo and VIDEO ideas!

Had this straitjacket for 13 years!

WOW! I’ve had this straitjacket for 13 years! I got it way back in February 2006. Think it, could still well be, one my favourite items of bondage gear, that I own!

Maybe, it’s about time, I save up and get another straitjacket!! 🙂

RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit + straitjacket

More photos like this can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gear/straitjacket/

Everyone LOVES Nick in rubber!

Everyone loves seeing Nick head-to-toe rubber!

Remember if you, join our Wetsuitlads exclusive area, you will always to see photos like this first! Unlike other websites, all the money goes back into the running of this website! So getting new gear, paying for the hosting etc…

Also it’s a one off payment! So please join for JUST £9 or £20! The £20 gives you access, to even hotter stuff!

P.S. Nick is back in June! So you have lot’s of time, to get telling us your ideas! We aim to PLEASE! 🙂

Nick in rubber
Nick in rubber
Nick in rubber
Nick in rubber

Can’t believe I’ve had this straitjacket, since 2005

Can’t believe I’ve had this straitjacket, since 2005! It’s still got to be one of my all time favourite bondage items. Also it only cost me £95.99, when I got it! Bet it, would cost a lot more now!

More photos from this set be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/29-01-2019/