Tag: Regulation

Waiting on more gear!

Waiting on more gear turning up! I ordered it, back on 28th February 2020. So way before, the whole world went mad! It will be the least new gear, I will be getting for a long time! Need to get the website fully back in the black again!

The normal, estimated production time is around 9 weeks. But of course, it could take much longer! With everything, else going on in the world, I don’t care if it takes 9 months!

Please, please everyone look after yourself and everyone else around you!

P.S. If you can support, this website anyway you can. That would be great! Comment on a post, rate and/or comment on a photo, tell a mate about us! It all helps!

Think he loves the rubber hogsack

Think he loves, being all helpless inside the rubber hogsack! Want to see more photos + vidoes, then join the Wetsuitlads exclusive area for just £10. But of course, feel free, to give more if you want! 🙂

First lad in the Regulation Rubber HogSack

Only just got the Regulation Rubber HogSack and already got the first lad all helpless inside it!

Join our Wetsuitlads exclusive area for just £10 to see the full set! Which will be getting posted in the next number of days, oh and vidoes at the same time

Regulation Custom Rubber Hood

Regulation Rubber HogSack is here!

Some great news, the Regulation Rubber HogSack is here!! Hoping to get someone (hoping Jack), all helpless inside it, very soon indeed!

All the photos and some vidoes, will be posted to our exclusive area first! So why not JOIN NOW?!? It only costs £10!


Spider-Man back in Clejuso handcuffs

With National Handcuff Day, just around the corner, making sure, I get lots of photos of myself in handcuffs ready for the big day! 🙂

Even more photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/spider-man/06-02-2020/