Tag: Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar

On This Day : 31/12/2019

On This Day back in 2019. I put on my O’Neill 5/4 mutant wetsuit and went a walk up the Campsie Fells.

You can check out the route, at www.strava.com/activities/2970769449

More can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/31-12-2019/

Bondage + HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

Just been having so much fun wearing my HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit, while in bondage! Glad, I would hate to be one of them boring vanilla people!

Bondage + HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

Bondage + HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

More can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/22-11-2023/

HUUB British Triathlon Thermal Balaclava

Loving my new HUUB Aphotic Swim Goggle and British Triathlon Thermal Balaclava, that I got today! Now just need to get myself some HUUB gloves!

Oh and big thanks to people that say, I should add the ball gag! Had to much help using that! Need to use it more often!

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

More can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/22-11-2023/

Most popular photos : mid-March 2022

Below are the top five most looked at photos on Wetsuitlads so far during March 2022.

Number 1 (65 views) : Gordon : Synergy Swimrun wetsuit
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Number 2 (54 views) : Gordon : Synergy Swimrun wetsuit
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Number 3 (54 views) : trackiesforlife : Fun at Railway station
Fun at Railway station

Number 4 (43 views) : Gordon : Synergy Swimrun wetsuit
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Number 5 (40 views) : trackiesforlife : Fun at Railway station
Fun at Railway station