I am thinking of closing down the Wetsuitlads forum. Since next to no one uses it. Please vote in the poll and let me know what you think.

I am thinking of closing down the Wetsuitlads forum. Since next to no one uses it. Please vote in the poll and let me know what you think.
What should I wear next with the Chastity Belt next? You can vote for up to three options!
It’s new poll time! This time I am asking “Much how money would you pay to see photos of myself locked in a chastity belt?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.
Why I am asking this, I hear you ask. I am planning on adding a new section to the VIP area. Where I will post photos of myself locked in the chastity belt. So just want to get an idea of what people would be willing to pay to see these extra photos!
BTW I have ordered the chastity belt. Should be here at some point this week!!
It’s new poll time! This time I am asking “Should I rent a chastity belt and be locked up till I pay it off?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.
Now the Neoprene Sleep Sack has been ordered. It’s time I posted a new poll. In this poll I am asking “What should I wear with the Neoprene Sleep Sack?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.
Just posted a new poll in which I ask “Should I get a Neoprene Sleep Sack?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.