So what gear, do you think I should get next?
If you have any other ideas, for gear you think, I should get, comment on this post!

So what gear, do you think I should get next?
If you have any other ideas, for gear you think, I should get, comment on this post!
We’re running a poll over on our Wetsuitlads forum about what gear turns you on the most! Please make sure you vote! It gives us, an idea what photos and videos you would like to see more of…
What would you like to see more of, on this website?
Any other ideas? Then just comment on this post…
It’s new poll time! This time I am asking “What to wear next on the zip wire?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.
Every year, I think doing a Wetsuitlads calendar would be a good idea. But would you ever buy one?
It’s new poll time! This time I am asking “Should I do outdoor photos wearing the Chastity Belt?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.