Got to say, I do think the adidas Varilite Down Hooded Jacket, along with my pup hood, look SUPER HOT together!
More photos can be found at
Got to say, I do think the adidas Varilite Down Hooded Jacket, along with my pup hood, look SUPER HOT together!
More photos can be found at
CutePlayToy does make a great wetsuited pup! Will do, many more like this soon! 🙂
Check out the full set at
CutePlayToy does make a great wetsuited pup! Will start, doing, even more photos like this soon!
Check out more of his work at
That’s me just posted yet another video to Wetsuitads exclusive area. This time, I am playing with himself, while wearing the O’Neill Hooded Psychotech FZ 6/4 FSW + S10 gas mask and rubber bondage wrist cuffs.
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Now if you had to wear a wetsuit to play golf, I for one, would take up that sport!
Well I could not let Nick, have all the fun! So after doing this photos, I asked him to put me in the straitjacket, while wearing my O’Neill Hooded Psychotech FZ 6/4 FSW wetsuit.
The full set of these photos can be seen at