Jay wearing the O’Neill Hooded Psychotech FZ 6-4 FSW wetsuit. Again the full set can only be found in Wetsuitlads exclusive area, join for just £10!
Wetsuit + straitjacket photos
Well I could not let Nick, have all the fun! So after doing this photos, I asked him to put me in the straitjacket, while wearing my O’Neill Hooded Psychotech FZ 6/4 FSW wetsuit.
The full set of these photos can be seen at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/27-02-2018/
Nick wearing the O’Neill Hooded Psychotech FZ 6/4 FSW wetsuit
Since Nick, be will back at least twice this year… It’s time that, I released more photos of him, which till now, could only be found in the Wetsuitlads exclusive area!
The full set of these photos can be seen at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/nick-ho/08-02-2017b/