Tag: new gear

First lad in the Regulation Rubber HogSack

Only just got the Regulation Rubber HogSack and already got the first lad all helpless inside it!

Join our Wetsuitlads exclusive area for just £10 to see the full set! Which will be getting posted in the next number of days, oh and vidoes at the same time

Regulation Custom Rubber Hood

Regulation Rubber HogSack is here!

Some great news, the Regulation Rubber HogSack is here!! Hoping to get someone (hoping Jack), all helpless inside it, very soon indeed!

All the photos and some vidoes, will be posted to our exclusive area first! So why not JOIN NOW?!? It only costs £10!


Regulation Rubber HogSack it’s in the workshop

Just had an update from Regulation… The Rubber HogSack is in the workshop! Says it will take up to 7 weeks to be made! So the count down has started!

Fast looking like, it will be one of my straight mates that, I will get to try it out first!!


Regulation Rubber HogSack has been ordered!

REGULATION Rubber HogSackThat’s me only just gone and ordered the Regulation Rubber HogSack! So no going back now!!

Of course, all the first photos and vidoes will get posting to the Wetsuitlads exclusive area first! Which costs JUST £10 to join!

Ordered Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar

That’s me just gone and ordered a Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar. Which will look great with my pup hood and my other sexy gear! Even better, it of course, it can be locked on!

Want to one for yourself? Then check out www.regulation.co.uk/deluxe-leather-collar.html

Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar

Getting ready to order the Regulation Rubber HogSack

REGULATION Rubber HogSackAll going well, just after 12am tonight, I will order the Regulation Rubber HogSack. Just waiting till, I get paid!

Who would, you like to see all helpless inside it first?

Of course, all the first photos and vidoes will get posting to the Wetsuitlads exclusive area first! Which costs, JUST £10 to join!