It’s about time, my handcuffs come out to play again! So I cuffed myself while wearing the 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit! Just wish, a cute lad, would cuff them behind my back!
More wetsuit photos @ Old Hunstanton
Just posted more photos from when Nick and myself went to Old Hunstanton, last month…
Hope you enjoy these photos! Please do comment on them!!
The full set of these photos can be seen at
Wetsuit fun at Old Hunstanton
Well, that was, so much fun! Nick and myself headed off to Old Hunstanton for the day! Which could, mean only one thing!! We both had to wear wetsuits…
Hope you enjoy these photos! Please do comment on them!!
The full set of these photos can be seen at
That’s Danny profile on-line + more photos!
That’s Danny’s profile now on-line! Also added his first full set of photos to the main website!
Check out the full set over @
Most popular photos : September 2013
From our facebook pages
If you follow our Facebook page at I am sure you will have seen these photos by now. Sorry they are not the best, were taken with my iPod camera.