Tag: model

Gordon head to toe in biker gear

I hope that you all like these new photos. Well other than people, that I am sure will have something to say more about leather photos being posted.

The first photo was taken in my back garden. The second one, was taken on the way back from work. I parked my car, then walked to the tunnel. Changed from my work gear, into the bier gear. Then locked it in a bag, so I had to then drive back home in my leathers. But I did take the gloves and helmet off. It was so much fun, need to do it again :).

More photos from this set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/rst_leathers/26-11-2011/

Cycling in a wetsuit

The weather was not the best today, so I did something that I have not done since last year and that was to go out cycling in a wetsuit. When I first left the house it was pissing it down, but then it was only very light rain for the rest of the cycle. So I was not happy, I wanted it to piss it down the whole time. Which is not something I say very often when out cycling.

More photos from this set can be found on my personal website at www.gordon-valentine.com/2011/06/28/cycling-in-a-wetsuit/.