Tag: model

New cycling gear is here!

The new Rabobank Cycling Team kit that I ordered from Wiggle on Wednesday (18th May 2011) turned on Saturday (21st May 2011). I am well pleased with it! Feel so nice on, can’t wait to get out cycling in it. Was hoping to later today, but it’s gone very, very windy again.

Here are some of the first ever photos of myself wearing it :).

More photos can be found on my personal website at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/page/search/tags/rabobank+cycling+team+kit.

Exclusive area updated

That’s the exclusive area just had it’s biggish update in years. So far I have posted 75 new and exclusive of Nick. His new photos include:-

  • RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit + HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet, also including in this set, police handcuffs and hood. 55 photos in this set.
  • Orca S2, hood and police handcuffs, these photos were taken in some local woods at night. 10 photos in this set so far, more coming in the next week or so.
  • Orca S2 + hood, this set was taken while live on the webcam. They are 10 photos in this set.

So if you want to see all these photos and more. Please give us a donation. All the money is then used to pay for the hosting of this website and of course getting new and sexy gear :).

Nick back to do new photos soon….

I am sure you will have heard by now, Nick is coming back later this month to do new photos. So if you any ideas what gear etc you would like to see him him, then let me know ASAP!!! By commenting on this post or by using the contact us form.

Sad times

Looks like in just one week, two of my favourite website’s have gone off-line.  The first one being LycraKeen the website just now times out. I did contact him via facebook, but not heard anything back at all. The other website that is The Fixed Gear. Which says the following “So if you have noticed, the blog is currently placed on an indefinite hiatus. We’re currently moving on with our lives quite far away from the sport and the athletes.”

But in better news, this website is not going anywhere at all. I know last year, I came very close to pulling the plug on it. But since the website relaunch last month, we’re getting record hits :).

Oh if you follow us on twitter, you will have heard that Nick is coming back to do more photos very soon indeed. So if you have ideas for new photos, please contact me.