Tag: lycra

Next VIP area update preview

First time ever wearing my HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet outdoors in a public place. Think you can tell I was having fun! The full set of these photos will get posted to the exclusive area, this coming weekend.

Just taken new photos

Can you guess what I am wearing?

This post was taken on location, using my HTC Wildfire S mobile phone. Then edited using my desktop PC. The full set will be posted to the VIP area this coming weekend.

Have any ideas for other photos that I can take myself, please let me know!

Adidas full body suit : Another VIP area update

Since the other Adidas full body suit photos I took on Tuesday went down so well. I have been out taken even more. They only been found in the exclusive area.

More information about how to join the exclusive area can be found at www.wetsuitlads.co.uk/exclusive-area/.

Need a reason to join the exclusive area?

Need a reason to join the exclusive area? Then think of getting to view, the image below in it’s original size. Yes that’s right all 2,736px × 3,648px of it :).

You can also look forward to many more photos like this getting posted to the exclusive area this month :).

Adidas full body suit : VIP area update

Just posted the first new set of any wearing the Adidas full body suit in years to the exclusive area.

While taken the photos at one point, I did not have the cycling shorts covering the suit, only the jersey. So let’s just say everything was on show. I cycled around 2 mile or so like that.

More information about how to join the exclusive area can be found at www.wetsuitlads.co.uk/exclusive-area/.