Tag: helmet

Next VIP area update preview

First time ever wearing my HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet outdoors in a public place. Think you can tell I was having fun! The full set of these photos will get posted to the exclusive area, this coming weekend.

Just taken new photos

Can you guess what I am wearing?

This post was taken on location, using my HTC Wildfire S mobile phone. Then edited using my desktop PC. The full set will be posted to the VIP area this coming weekend.

Have any ideas for other photos that I can take myself, please let me know!

First blue iridium visor photo

The blue iridium visor that I ordered from racevisors turned up on Saturday (14th May 2011). I must say I would sure use them again, only ordered it last thing Thursday night (12th May 2011). It was even free P&P. It took me a while to work out how to change the visor on my motorcycle helmet. Mainly since I had never done it before and did not want to break it.

Here is what you have been wanting for, the very first photo of myself wear it :).

I must add, if it was not for the camera flash going off, don’t think you would really see much of my face at all.

More photos from today’s webcam

Here are some more photos from today’s great webcam session. Big thanks to everyone that joined in with the chat.

If you missed the chat you will not know I was gagged under the Spider-Man suit. Followed by locking myself in the suit, then I put the RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit on over the top. So I had no way, of removing the gag, without removing all the other gear first.

The full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/01-05-2011/.