Tag: helmet

Another two exclusive area videos are up!

That’s me just posted two new videos of myself to the Wetsuitlads exclusive area.

I am back in the 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit, with the rubber bondage wrist cuffs, but I’ve also added the RST Razor Sport Boots and the HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet.

Sign up today from £8 to see these videos, plus many more like it!

Need to get Nick back in leathers again!

I really do need to get Nick wearing the RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit again! He’s not a bit fan of them. But, I for one! Think he’s sexy in them! Want him wearing them again? Then comment!

Full set of these photos be found be at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/nick-ho/10-05-2011b/

Need to get my leathers back out!

I know that this is mainly a Lycra and wetsuit website! But many of you, keep asking me to do new photos wearing my leathers! Don’t worry new photos and vlog coming, very soon indeed!

Here are some past vlogs of myself in leathers, to get you in the mood!! 🙂