Tag: Fetters Padded Fist Mitts

CutePlayToy will be back on Monday 12th August 2019!

Some great news! CutePlayToy will be back on Monday 12th August 2019! So it’s time to get posting your ideas!

I do think, the more outdoors bondage the better!

Fetters Shrew’s Fiddle
Wetsuit + Fetters padded fist mitts

Check out more of his work at www.wetsuitlads.co.uk/models/cuteplaytoy/

Boris Johnson is our next PM

Boris Johnson will be our next PM… No idea if that’s a good thing or not… But better news, this website is still going strong! But if you need cheering up… They why not join our Wetsuitlads exclusive area.

It only costs £10, which one-off payment! All the money goes back into the website. Also you will get to see many more photos like the ones below! Plus vidoes!

So please do sign up today! Just just £10, you can;t really go wrong!

Fetters Shrew’s Fiddle

Matt wearing the 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

Matt does look extra sexy wearing the 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit, while locked in the Fetters padded fist mitts!

Want to see the full set of these photos? Then you will NEED to join our Wetsuitlads exclusive area. Which is a one-off payment of just £10, for this you get access to 1000s of extra photos and vidoes.

The money, this brings in goes straight back into the website). All the gear that Matt is wearing, has been paid for using that money! 🙂

2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit
2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit