Tag: Fetters Padded Fist Mitts

Jay in Rubber Skinhead Gear – FULL SET!

That’s the full set of Jay wearing his very HOT Rubber Skinhead Gear, just been posted to main website. Which up till now, could only be found in Wetsuitlads exclusive area.

The full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/jay-01/08-09-2020a/

Middle of November 2020 most popular photos

Below are the top five most viewed photos so far during November 2020.

Number 1 (109 views) : Alex wearing the 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit
Alex wearing the 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

Number 2 (99 views) : Alex the super sexy pup!
Alex the super sexy pup!

Number 3 (91 views) : Two Bare Feet T3 Shorty Triathlon wetsuit
Two Bare Feet T3 Shorty Triathlon wetsuit

Number 4 (76 views) : Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit
Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit

Number 5 (65 views) : Regulation Rubber HogSack
Regulation Rubber HogSack

Most viewed photos so far during November 2020

Below are the top five most viewed photos so far during November 2020.

Number 1 : Alex wearing the 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit
2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

Number 2 : Alex the super sexy pup!
Alex the super sexy pup!

Number 3 : Two Bare Feet T3 Shorty Triathlon wetsuit
Two Bare Feet T3 Shorty Triathlon wetsuit

Number 4 : Regulation Rubber HogSack
Regulation Rubber HogSack

Number 5 : Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit
Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit

Alex and myself want your ideas!

Alex and myself want your ideas! Hoping to get him back again before the year is out! But of course, only when the lockdown is over. So lot’s of time, to get posting your ideas!!

Give him a follow – twitter.com/Pup_Eos

2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit + pup hood

Regulation Rubber HogSack