Tag: cycling

Loving my new Synergy Red Cycling Skinsuit

Loving my new Synergy Red Cycling Skinsuit, that I got today! Paid for, by the people supporting us via OnlyFans.com/wetsuitlads. Big, big thanks everyone!!! xx

Synergy Red Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Red Cycling Skinsuit

Synergy Red Cycling Skinsuit

The full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/11-07-2021/

In love with the Synergy Red Trisuit

Really do love wearing the Synergy Red Trisuit!! P.S. for some hot vidoes of myself wearing it, do join OnlyFans.com/wetsuitlads.

Right now, the next 10 people that sign-up, are getting it for just $4, normal price is $5.

Synergy Red Trisuit

Synergy Red Trisuit

More photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/26-04-2021a/

More Neoprene Pup Hood photos

Yesterday, I went a nice walk to get some photos wearing the new Neoprene Pup Hood! Today it was time for a cycle! Since anyone can do photos indoors! Outdoors ones, are always way more fun!

Neoprene Pup Hood

Neoprene Pup Hood

More photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/23-02-2021/

Newest skinsuit + Clejuso handcuffs

Still can’t get over, how much my newest Lycra skinsuit shows off!

Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018
Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018
Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018

Many more photos can be found over at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/cycling/gear/hunter-inline-skinsuit-team-britain-2018/