Tag: cycling gear

Last Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle photos for a while…

Right here are the last photos of myself wearing the Padded Leather Muzzle photos for a while… Can only have so much of a good thing…

More photos from this set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/12-02-2019/

Sorry more Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle photos…

Yes I know, even more photos of myself wearing the Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle. It just really gets me going and something so HOT about wearing it outdoors!

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

More photos from this set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/12-02-2019/

Another cycle = more Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle time!

Even more photos of myself, locked in the Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle while out cycling!

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

More photos from this set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/12-02-2019/

More Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle while out cycling

Another day, another day, out doing photos while wearing the Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle out cycling!

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

 Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

More photos from this set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/12-02-2019/

Great cycling with Nick! Who looks better in Lycra???

Last time, Nick was here, we did not have the time for doing many photos. Since we were, both out cycling! At least, that did mean we both spent a lot of time in Lycra!