Another cycle, while locked in the chastity belt. Don’t think you notice it, so much under these Lycra shorts!
Chastity belt under Lycra
First cycle in my Cannondale Pro Cycling Team gear
Cannondale Pro Cycling Team = newest gear
Here are the first ever photos of myself wearing my newest cycling gear! Go to say I love the green of the Cannondale Pro Cycling Team kit. Also had forgotten just how tight new Lycra shorts are :).
More photos from this set be found @
Pointing up in my USPS team cycling gear
Had my USPS cycling gear since 2005!
Here are two photos of myself wearing my sexy USPS cycling gear. Just had a look, had the jersey since 26th March 2005 and the bib shorts since the 7 April 2005. The top is still looking very good, the shorts are starting to show there age. Need to wear underwear or tights under them. If I don’t show off a lot more, than I really want to!!
Here is one photo, that shows why I need to wear gear under them!