In less than two weeks, Nick will be back! But doubt, we will have much time for doing photos. Since both off to Scotland to do Ben Nevis. But we’re hoping to get at least one cycle in! So that means, you will get to see us both in Lycra!!! 🙂
Vlog: Yet another wetsuit cycle!
Just wearing another wetsuit while cycling, since I can! Just hope the dry, warmer weather comes back soon…
Vlog: I got wet, very wet! Glad I was wetsuited!
That was a very, very wet cycle! So glad, I was wearing a wetsuit! Maybe the longest wetsuit cycle of 2017, so far!
Outdoors in Lycra + handcuffs!
Vlog: Lycra with a little something else again!
Back in Lycra with a little something else! Can you guess what?
Vlog: Don’t like cold, wet Lycra
Not really a fan of cold, wet Lycra!