Tag: Clejuso handcuffs

Had so much fun doing these photos!!

Really did, have so much fun doing these photos! I mean what could be better? Then wearing a wetsuit outdoors and doing bondage photos at the same time?!?!?

Oh and big thanks to Firebravo for taken these photos! And of course letting me try out his Clejuso handcuffs, Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle and Fetters Padded Fist Mitts.

The full set of these photos be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/28-01-2019/

Gordon all chained up!

If you want to see a video of myself, all chained up! Well, I did have to try out the clejuso handcuffs… Join our Wetsuitlads exclusive area. You need to give at least £20 to see this and many other vidoes (and photos) like it!

The video is just over 4 mins long!

Just ordered some Clejuso handcuffs

That’s me just ordered some Clejuso handcuffs! I’ve gone for Clejuso, Model No 15/50. Which weigh a massive 1 and half kilos!

I’ve been in set of them before, when Firebravo was here a number of weeks back. So, just had to get a set myself!

Also so looking forward to getting Kevin in these!