I am already making very good use of our new gear! Had Kevin in both sets of the new Clejuso handcuffs, the rubber hood and of course the Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle 🙂
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Yep Kevin and myself also did some double photos!
We used the following gear:-
These photos and many, many more are coming to the Wetsuitlads exclusive area very soon indeed…
True to his word, Kevin was here today! We took 250 photos… So the Wetsuitlads exclusive area, will be getting lot’s of new photos in the next number days! Just need to wait for Kevin, to choose the ones he’s OK with!
But till then, here is small selection, of the ones that he’s OKed so far!
Love the Clejuso handcuffs? I’ve made a new photo gallery, which will soon have lot’s of photos of myself and other lads locked in them…
That’s the new set of Clejuso handcuffs here already! So you will get to see Kevin locked up in them, very soon indeed!! 🙂
I’ve just gone and ordered another set of Clejuso handcuffs… Gone for Clejuso, Model No 15 again, but with the short chain this time!