Tag: Clejuso handcuffs No. 15

Even more pup play at the old control tower

Having even more fun at some local woods, which also has an RAF old control tower. This time, I remembered to bring a pair of handcuffs with me!

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

Full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/16-12-2019/

Castelli Body Paint 3.3 Speed Suit + Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Go to say, that the Castelli Body Paint 3.3 Speed Suit, Clejuso handcuffs and Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle do work very well together 🙂

Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle
Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle
Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/fetters-padded-leather-muzzle/

Bondage at railway station

We have a new model in our Wetsuitlads exclusive area! Sign up for just £10 to see his photos, plus many more! 🙂

It was so much fun cycling around with him all day! And of course, doing photos in public places! Yep we even did photos at a railway station…