Tag: chastity belt

New poll : Should I rent a chastity belt and be locked up till I pay it off?

It’s new poll time! This time I am asking “Should I rent a chastity belt and be locked up till I pay it off?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.

Should I rent a chastity belt and be locked up till I pay it off?

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Renting a chastity belt

Remember a while back I come up with the idea of having Chastity belt share holders? Well this lad wants to buy me on, then rent it back to me.  And only let me out once I have fully paid it off. But I have only pay back so much a week. If for any reason, I miss a weekly payment he will add two weeks on to total time. The belt to right is £150, so at £5 a week, would take like 30 weeks to be let out.

So what do you think of this idea?

Video: Locked in Spider-man suit (update : 10/08/2012)

I still can’t believe just how many people have seen this video. At the time of posting this, it stands at 554,974.

Find it funny how many people think I am turned on in the video. I was locked in the CB-3000 at the time :).

Most popular photos : June 2012

Below are the top three most looked at photos on Wetsuitlads during June 2012.

Number 1 (608 views) : Smooth skin wetsuits

Number 2 (503 views) : CB-3000 under gear

Number 3 (500 views) : CB-3000 under gear

New gallery : CB-3000 under gear

Someone said, I should wear my CB-3000 under my cycling gear more often. So here are some photos of me doing just that!

More photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/cb-3000-under-gear/. I will try to add more photos, to this gallery in the coming weeks…

Hot lad locked in chastity belt

Before anyone tells me off, I know this photo got nothing at all to do with wetsuits. But he’s hot and I have big thing for lads locked in chastity belts.

Source : kinkytheo.tumblr.com/post/16261473732/going-from-a-vanilla-tag-to-something-a-little