Below are the top three most looked at photos on Wetsuitlads during November 2014.
Number 1 (144 views) : Nick : blueseventy axium
Number 2 (123 views) : Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits
Yet another cycle, while locked in the chastity belt. This time in white Lycra!
More photos from this set can be found in the Chastity Belt exclusive area.
Just posted the new photos of myself, while locked up in a chastity belt! These photos, show me the most nude, you will have ever seen me!!
Want to see more photos like this? Then give at least £20 via our donation page!!
Just posted the first ever video of myself, while locked up in a chastity belt! Want to see the video? Then give £20 via our donation page!! It’s the most nude, you will have ever seen me!