Tag: chastity belt

Story : Video Game Bet to Slavery

Here is another HOT story, I think you all need to check out. It’s called “Video Game Bet to Slavery

As we started playing I did my best to concentrate, but found myself continually distracted. Had I just been playing with my hands behind my back I probably would have been fine. I knew the controls well enough at any rate. But I was cuffed! Bound, and largely helpless! I couldn’t get over the weird tingling feeling that kept racing up and down my body every few moments when I realized again, and again, and again, that I was handcuffed.

You can read the full story at www.deviantart.com/bondagelover2/art/Video-Game-Bet-to-Slavery-965460661

Rob locked in Behind Barz chastity belt

Got to say that Rob does look so good, wearing rubber, locked in own Behind Barz chastity belt. Which he drove home wearing…

Want to see the full set of these photos and some vidoes? Then head over to our Wetsuitlads exclusive area.

Rob AKA RubberedChastity in chastity

Want to see lot’s of photos and some vidoes of Rob AKA RubberedChastity in chastity. Then you really do need to check out the Wetsuitlads Exclusive area. To see these photos, you need to give at least £20!

Believe me… you will love them!

P.S. Do give him a wee follow at twitter.com/rubberedslave

Nick in rubber and S10 gas mask

If you want to see full set of Nick in rubber, S10 gas mask and posture bar, you need to sign up to our exclusive area.

Oh and for once he’s not hard, since he was locked up in BON4 Silicone Male Chastity Device!

You need to give £9 to see the full set or £20, if you also want to see him locked in the chastity device!