Tag: Captain America Morphsuit

Happy #NationalHandcuffDay – 2021

Happy National Handcuff Day – 2021! Hope you all had a great time, and spent at least some of the day in handcuffs!

Why not, post your photos on Twitter and use #NationalHandcuffDay

Captain America Morphsuit and Clejuso handcuffs

The full set of these can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/20-02-2021/

Vlog: First Wetsuitlads vlog of 2021

First Wetsuitlads vlog of 2021! Hoping to start doing these more often! Got any ideas, do let me know!

P.S. First ever video, I’ve done with the new Sony FDR-AX53 Ultra HD 4K Compact Camcorder. So still getting use to all the settings…

Loving the new Captain America Morphsuit

Loving the new Captain America Morphsuit! Big thanks, to lad that got it for me, off my wishlist! If you get something off my wishlist, I will of course post photos of myself wearing them!! If you also contact me, you will get access to the Wetsuitlads exclusive area! So it’s a win, win!!

Captain America Morphsuit

Captain America Morphsuit

More photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/17-12-2020/