Tag: ball gag

On This Day : 15/02/2006

On This Day back in 2006! I had fun wearing my Team Sparkasse Skinsuit. I was also put in my straitjacket, along with my ball gag!

Team Sparkasse Skinsuit + Ball gag

Team Sparkasse Skinsuit + Ball gag

Team Sparkasse Skinsuit + straitjacket

The full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/15-02-2006/

HUUB British Triathlon Thermal Balaclava

Loving my new HUUB Aphotic Swim Goggle and British Triathlon Thermal Balaclava, that I got today! Now just need to get myself some HUUB gloves!

Oh and big thanks to people that say, I should add the ball gag! Had to much help using that! Need to use it more often!

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

More can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/22-11-2023/

Gordon in Leathers + pup hood

Who wants to see Gordon, wearing his RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit. Then putting in a ball gag, pup hood, then locking himself in a collar. Then having fun some?!?!?

Just join, our Wetsuitlads Exclusive area for just £20. You get to see the full video, plus many, many more like it!

Nicely packed away

Sorry that the first photo of the month is not a wetsuit. But I am sure you will let me off! So wish it was me like that, or another one of our fit models!

This post is from : www.jacketbound.com/2012/03/nicely-packed-away/