Even Spider-man needs a holiday! So what a better place, than the Scottish Highlands!
Nick straitjacketed, gagged, hooded + Spider-Man suit
Want to see more photos from this set + a video, of Nick straitjacketed, gagged, hooded while wearing the Spider-Man suit? Then you will need to join the exclusive area!
Spiderman @ Near Stainmore Summit
VIP video : Locked in Spider-Man suit plus Stainless Steel Bondage Fist Mitt
Just posted a video of myself locked in the Spider-Man suit plus Stainless Steel Bondage Fist Mitt. Wish I had them both locked on, but I would have needed help with that one! But at least I could put it on my wanking hand, to slow me down!!
Want to see the video? Then give £8 via our donation page!!
Vlog: Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit
Having great in my Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit! Now where, did I leave that key??
Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit photos
I loving my new Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit! It’s the first ever Morphsuit, I have owed. I for sure, will be getting more!
You know the drill. Post your comments!! 🙂
More photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/spider-man/24-02-2015/