Tag: AI art work

Public Humiliation Initiative! Public Warning Display Cases!

Public Humiliation Initiative, Warning Display Cases have been popping around London and other Towns and Cities around the UK! Remember you, if drop litter! This will happen to you!

Big thanks to one website fans, that did this AI Art Work!

The idea for these suits come from www.wetsuitlads.co.uk/stories/wetsuit-sentence/

Community Service Boxing Match

These lads got told if did a boxing march, still wearing the Community Service rubber wetsuits. The winner would get let out of doing rest of his Community Service! Of course, the losers would have there sentence made ever longer!

Why did you bring a cage with you?

This young lad, loved doing Spider-Man Cosplay! So had met up with one of his photographer mates to do some photos! He started to question, why this mate got a cage out of the back of the car… He was like Spider-Man always ends turns up getting tired up etc.

So was thinking, you just inside the cage, while we do some photos! You don’t have to be locked inside, unless you want to, of course!!!

Spiderman suits now selling at well knowing supermarket

Well knowing supermarket now sells Spiderman suits! Oh course, they have HOT lads modelling them!

When they start the job, of modelling the suits. They don’t get told they will be locked inside a glass chamber. Some love the humiliation of being on show like this! Others HATE it. So get locked in shock collars!

Locking his GPS shocking collar on!

Part of the Public Humiliation Initiative was that one of their mates, boyfriend, well anyone… Could lock on a GPS shocking collar! Once on, it could be used to keep in single room. You could take him to the woods, or centre of London, then turn on a GPS zone! If we tried to leave the location! He would get a SHOCK! Also had a mode that could used to stop him from speaking!!

Thanks to NeelsB for this AI Art work!