Tag: 2XU

Reasons why you will love Wetsuitlads!

Number one, is we have some super HOT lads that model for us!

 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

Rubber Skinhead Gear


Check out other HOT lads at www.wetsuitlads.co.uk/models/

The another reasons are…

  • We have over 4,500 photos all for FREE!
  • We’ve been on the go since 2003, so you can trust us!
  • We’re not run by a company, that is out to make money! Just ran by a single person, that loves gear!
  • Of course, we’re just not about wetsuits… Also love, chastity, bondage, pup play, Lycra and much more!

Look back to when Matt was here last year!

Here is look back to when Matt was here last year! He had been due back in May…. But that was of course, before the world went mad! But still hoping to get him back before the year is out! 🙂

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit
2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

Many more photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/matt-01/

Not getting the wetsuit after all!

2XU P:1 Propel wetsuitSorry after all that, not getting the 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit after all… Some what pissed off, was really looking forward to getting it! Just had the following email…

“We have just got to picking your order for you now,

Unfortunately our stock file is showing no stock of the item you have order,

Because of this we have had to cancel your order,

Please allow between 3-5 working days for this to show in your account,

I’m sorry for any inconvenience this has caused,

Many thanks”

So why they listed the wetsuit on the website is first place, I have no idea! They have also had my money from a good number of week. Now got to wait around 3-5 working days to get it back!