Tag: 2XU

Fun walked walk in Scotland

So no big website updates for a while… Out of the UK for 2 weeks.

Here are some photos, I took before setting off.

2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit
2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

The full set of these photos can be found @ photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/11-05-2018/

Love doing wetsuit photos next to the A66

I love stopping close the A66 and doing wetsuit photos, while driving up to Scotland! Next time, you are on the A66 you should look out for me… 🙂

2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit
2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit
2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

The full set of these photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/10-05-2018/