So no big website updates for a while… Out of the UK for 2 weeks.
Here are some photos, I took before setting off.
The full set of these photos can be found @
So no big website updates for a while… Out of the UK for 2 weeks.
Here are some photos, I took before setting off.
The full set of these photos can be found @
Really need to test out my 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit under this waterfall!
I love stopping close the A66 and doing wetsuit photos, while driving up to Scotland! Next time, you are on the A66 you should look out for me… 🙂
The full set of these photos can be found at
Just going a mini walk while wearing my newest wetsuit!
Welcome to May!!! The first wetsuit cycle of the month and really hoping the last! Since, I the want the UK summer to start NOW!