Category: Gear

Ordered adidas Unisex Adults Box Hog 3 Climbing Shoes

I’ve just gone and ordered a pair of adidas Unisex Adults Box Hog 3 Climbing Shoes! Hoping they will work well with rubber (when I get a suit), Spider-Man suits and of course wetsuits!

Ordered them from Amazon UK, they set me back… £77.99. So hope, that myself and everyone else likes them!

adidas Unisex Adults Box Hog 3 F99921 Climbing Shoes

Ordered Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar

That’s me just gone and ordered a Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar. Which will look great with my pup hood and my other sexy gear! Even better, it of course, it can be locked on!

Want to one for yourself? Then check out

Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar

Getting ready to order the Regulation Rubber HogSack

REGULATION Rubber HogSackAll going well, just after 12am tonight, I will order the Regulation Rubber HogSack. Just waiting till, I get paid!

Who would, you like to see all helpless inside it first?

Of course, all the first photos and vidoes will get posting to the Wetsuitlads exclusive area first! Which costs, JUST £10 to join!

Just upgraded to PHP 7.3

REGULATION Rubber HogSackYes, some very boring website news. Just upgraded to PHP 7.3, which “should” make this website run a lot faster. Better not, sure which version of PHP we had been running, let’s just say it was old!

Now just need to get myself in the mood, for doing more photos! I’ve not, in the correct head space, since turning 40 last month. Just feel, way, way to old for doing gear stuff now 🙁

Oh and in other news, will be ordering the Rubber HogSack next week!

REGULATION Rubber HogSack update!

Just a mini update on the REGULATION Rubber HogSack. Now got the money for it, so I will be ordering it very, very soon indeed!

Can’t wait to try it out! And of course, get other lads in it! 🙂


Regulation T-Shirt

I’ve just gone and ordered a Regulation T-Shirt. Which, I paid for, using some of the Regulation rewards points, I’ve been saving up.

Will have fun, wearing this, when I meet the models off the train! 🙂