Please, please can you all check out my main YouTube channel, over at
Where you, will get to see many vidoes, including the ones below…
Please, please can you all check out my main YouTube channel, over at
Where you, will get to see many vidoes, including the ones below…
Thanks so everyone, for all your support with the website over the last number of days! It really does mean the world too me!
Think he loves, being all helpless inside the rubber hogsack! Want to see more photos + vidoes, then join the Wetsuitlads exclusive area for just £10. But of course, feel free, to give more if you want! 🙂
Thanks wind! I now need a new camera! I was in the middle of doing new photos, when the wind blow my tripod over, with my camera on it! Let’s just say, it’s had better days!
In the middle of a photo shoot, while wearing my Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit, in the Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar and Clejuso handcuffs.
Who wants to see Gordon, wearing his RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit. Then putting in a ball gag, pup hood, then locking himself in a collar. Then having fun some?!?!?
Just join, our Wetsuitlads Exclusive area for just £20. You get to see the full video, plus many, many more like it!
Check out myself wearing my leathers, pup hood and ball gag underneath. For the full video + many others, give at least £20 via
— Wetsuitlads (@wetsuitlads) January 17, 2020