Category: Alex Winter

Reasons why you will love Wetsuitlads!

Number one, is we have some super HOT lads that model for us!

 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

Rubber Skinhead Gear


Check out other HOT lads at

The another reasons are…

  • We have over 4,500 photos all for FREE!
  • We’ve been on the go since 2003, so you can trust us!
  • We’re not run by a company, that is out to make money! Just ran by a single person, that loves gear!
  • Of course, we’re just not about wetsuits… Also love, chastity, bondage, pup play, Lycra and much more!

Alex in the Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit

Alex wearing the Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit, along with Clejuso Handcuffs and the Canvas Straitjacket. Yep he’s also wearing the 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit under it! I do like to keep the lads nice and warm on a cold day!

Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit

 Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit

Spider-Man Homecoming Morphsuit

Check his profile at

Alex loved being the Neoprene sleepsack

Think that Alex, did love being all helpless inside the neoprene sleepsack! If you are already a member of Wetsuitlads exclusive area, you will have access to full set of these photos very soon indeed!

Sorry right now, no way for new members to sign up (Outside of the UK)! If you do live in the UK, you can contact us and we’ll get back to you with way to sign up!

Neoprene sleepsack

Neoprene sleepsack

Please all welcome Alex to the website

Please all welcome Alex to the website! Yes, our next new model of 2020!

Want to see, many more photos of him? Then you, need to join our Wetsuitlads exclusive area for only just £10!