Category: AI Art Work

Wetsuited working at seaside cafe!

When these young college lads started working at a local seaside cafe, they had no idea that they would have to wear wetsuits! It was wear a wetsuit, or look for another job! They also had to wear a stock collar (locked on, of course!), Which activates when customers push a button on their tables, when they wanted to be served! It would give them a small shock tell them which table needed service!

Public Warning Display Cases! Are for REAL!

These poor fellows thought those display in the Underground were a joke. So to better mock them, they’d strewn trash about. Look at them now!

The idea for these suits come from

Wetsuitlads working at the local farm!

A local farm said they they are found it hard, to get workers during the summer since Brexit. I was like, I have lots of Wetsuitlads that will “wiling” to help you out! Only rule, is they have to wearing rubber wetsuits all the time!