That’s NeelsB just done the AI Art work for Part 2 of The Wetsuit Model story!
Check out The Wetsuit Model story!
You really do want to read The Wetsuit Model story, that has been written by NeelsB. Along with amazing AI Art Work, does done for it!
My type of staff uniform!
They are all to wear rubber wetsuits of course.
Wetsuited working at seaside cafe!
When these young college lads started working at a local seaside cafe, they had no idea that they would have to wear wetsuits! It was wear a wetsuit, or look for another job! They also had to wear a stock collar (locked on, of course!), Which activates when customers push a button on their tables, when they wanted to be served! It would give them a small shock tell them which table needed service!
Public Warning Display Cases! Are for REAL!
These poor fellows thought those display in the Underground were a joke. So to better mock them, they’d strewn trash about. Look at them now!
The idea for these suits come from
Wetsuitlads working at the local farm!
A local farm said they they are found it hard, to get workers during the summer since Brexit. I was like, I have lots of Wetsuitlads that will “wiling” to help you out! Only rule, is they have to wearing rubber wetsuits all the time!