Wearing my Orca speedsuit with one of our newest bits of gear a HJC ZF-10 Karlie motorcycle helmet.
Blue Seventy Men’s Axis FS Wetsuit 2010
New website now live!
That’s the new version of the website now fully live!!! I know I said it was going live Sunday around 10pm BST. But I got bored and pressed the big red button 2 soon…
I am still working on bits of it. Which include…
- The models still to get some of the photos back on-line.
- Stories still to copy a good number over from the old website.
- Videos again still copying some over.
- Also still got to find a way, to link the forum up to the new website…
A younger Wetsuit
If only putting on a wetsuit did make you younger :).
Love this Spider-man set
More photos from this set can be found at www.flickr.com/photos/cosplayquest/sets/72157622823202170/with/4112610454/.
Getting ready to go live…
The way it’s going this beta version of the website will be fully live very soon indeed. All going well, it will fully replace the current version of the website by this Sunday (10/04/2011).