Alex loved being the Neoprene sleepsack

Think that Alex, did love being all helpless inside the neoprene sleepsack! If you are already a member of Wetsuitlads exclusive area, you will have access to full set of these photos very soon indeed!

Sorry right now, no way for new members to sign up (Outside of the UK)! If you do live in the UK, you can contact us and we’ll get back to you with way to sign up!

Neoprene sleepsack

Neoprene sleepsack

It (could) be the end of Wetsuitlads!

After a great number of months with this website…. With no warning all, had an email from a well knowing payment provider saying that my account is being closed! Plus for up to 180 days, they NOT will also give me access to money in the account!

So this could very well be the end of this website. Since like running a websites, they are costs, hosting, domain names… Also pay for models travel, plus food! The money also goes towards buying new gear for them to wear!

So with no new money coming in, the money that I can still access, will soon out! So think it’s the start, of the end of Wetsuitlads! 🙁

Please all welcome Alex to the website

Please all welcome Alex to the website! Yes, our next new model of 2020!

Want to see, many more photos of him? Then you, need to join our Wetsuitlads exclusive area for only just £10!

I’ve not locked in the posture bar since 2005

I was just having a look at older photos of myself and it turns out, I’ve not been locked in the posture bar since 2005! So something, I really need to try and fix!

Orca speedsuit + posture bar

Orca speedsuit + posture bar

Orca speedsuit + posture bar

Orca speedsuit + posture bar

The full set of these can be found at

Jay wetsuited plus Fetters Padded Fist Mitts

Jay looking extra cute wearing a wetsuit, while locked in the Fetters Padded Fist Mitts. Want to see the full set of these photos, plus many more? Then join the Wetsuitlads exclusive area, for just £10!

Wetsuit plus Fetters Padded Fist Mitts

Wetsuit plus Fetters Padded Fist Mitts